
The advent of the art of sword-fighting is unknown. Historical records reveal that, as a martial art or sport, fencing has been in existence for at least 3500 years.

In its present form, fencing is a modern sport that dates back about five centuries. The first fencing schools appeared in Europe in the early 16th century. The Italians, Hungarians and French were the first to create three major schools.

Techniques and tactics gradually improved. In 1896, fencing became an Olympic sport at the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens. Since then, it has been included at every Olympic Games. In 1913, the Fédération Internationale d’Escrime  (FIE) was founded.

Fencing offers a comprehensive training of the body as well as a sense of the body, hand-eye coordination and an improvement in balance and rhythm.

Fencing is one of the safest close-contact sports due to the teaching of strict safety rules during the first lessons, the specially constructed materials and the rules of courtesy and respect for the opponent governing the sport.

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