What is The Duke of Edinburgh International Award ?
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award was founded by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956 and since then the number of entries has exceeded 8 million in more than 140 countries worldwide. Every day, 548 young people around the world receive one of the three awards (Bronze, Silver or Gold). The international character of the award and the consistent criteria and conditions for its acquisition in any corner of the world accord the institution enormous prestige, which makes it particularly popular with universities and research centres as well as companies and industries. It is no coincidence that among the centres offering the programme are the world’s most famous schools, colleges, universities, sports and social organizations, and almost two out of three award-winners say they have made a decisive contribution to the development of their academic and professional careers.
How does it work at CGS?
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award equips CGS students aged between 14-18 with the skills that will assist in their future academic and professional careers.
CGS is certified and licensed by the Duke of Edinburgh Award and offers the Bronze and the Silver Awards to interested parties. The Bronze Award requires a minimum of 6 months to complete, while the Silver takes a minimum of 12 months. The cost of participation for each award is € 200.
Participation is voluntary, non-competitive and, above all, enjoyable. However, each progressive level demands more time and commitment from participants. Young people participating in the programme take part in various activities, aiming at one of the international awards.
Under the guidance of the Award Leaders of our school, each participant plans their programme according to the criteria of the award they are interested in. This means that they set their own goals and record their activities as well as their progress electronically in the On-Line Record Book (ORB).
What activities must a student participate in?
The activities are divided into 4 categories:
* Volunteering
* Physical
* Skills
* Expedition
For IB MYP and IB DP students, most of the Action as Service and Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS) activities can count towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
How can I learn more?
Those students interested in participating in the programme are required to complete the attached Participation Form and submit it to the secretariat for their level.
For more information regarding the CGS Duke of Edinburgh International Youth Award, please contact Christos Iliopoulos, CAS Coordinator, IB Diploma Programme (ciliopoulos@cgs.edu.gr) or Mrs.Tania Tsapoga, Action as Service Coordinator, IB Middle Years Programme (ttsapoga@cgs.edu.gr).
Information: http://www.intaward.org/