Academia News - CGS

Academia News

Within the framework of the Academia programme, Professor Evangelos Gazis was invited to CGS by Dr. Pericles Bakogeorgou. With the children, he discussed major discoveries in the field of High Energy Physics and the latest achievements of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Professor of Particle Physics at NTUA, Evangelos Gazis is one of the most important members of the Greek team at CERN. He is best known for his role as Coordinator of the Greek Research Groups in the CERN ATLAS and CLIC Experiments from 2006 until today, as Coordinator of the CERN-GREECE Labour Committee from 2007 until today, but also as National Representative at the Council of CERN (2005-2012).

Through these positions he has had the opportunity to focus his research interests on taking measurements through the ATLAS experiment, the LHC accelerator processes involving the Higgs boson and the Xb meson of the established standard. In addition, he has participated in 6 major scientific experiments at CERN (NA14 and NA14΄, DELPHI, ATLAS, CAST and CLIC).

The conversation led to the students showing deep interest and posing a host of questions. This collaboration with the students of the programme has filled us with optimism and expectation for the continuation of such a promising educational effort.



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