With great pride, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the members of our MUN Club, who have distinguished themselves through their dedication, eloquence during their participation in the prestigious international conference in The Hague (THIMUN). Having already taken part in three conferences, with an additional three forthcoming in the coming months, our students have consistently demonstrated their passion for global discourse and collab...
ΙB MYP Year 2had the opportunity to visit an exhibition entitled 'Is there a solution to everything? A journey into the world of Ancient Greek Mathematics'. This is an impressive exhibition on the history of Mathematics and the development of mathematical thinking in the Ancient Greek world. The students, guided through the exhibition, had a unique experience and discovered the history of Ancient Greek Mathematics through interactive and digital...
CGS at The Ellinikon is now a reality! On May 15, 2024, LAMDA Development, through its subsidiary HELLINIKON S.A., signed a Long-Term Lease Agreement with CGS (Costeas-Geitonas School). CGS will undertake the development and operation of CGS at The Ellinikon, a new, state-of-the-art primary and secondary educational institution, leveraging its many years of experience, history, and expertise as a leading educational organization in Greece. The ne...
On April 18th, IB DP students attended the thought-provoking lecture, “Have we learned anything? Thucydides on the inevitability of war.” delivered by keynote speaker, Professor Mathew Sears, (Department of Classics, University of New Brunswick), a historian of ancient Greece and Rome, specializing in military monuments, commemoration, war and society. Other distinguished speakers included Thanos Veremis, Professor Emeritus of Political Histo...
On February 21, 2024, CGS parents and students were invited to attend an information presentation on applying to universities in the United States as student-athletes. The speakers were Kathy Angelopoulou, Head, International Education and University Counseling at CGS along with Dimitris Kontinopoulos, Director of Max College Sports. The evening opened with Ms. Angelopoulou providing the audience with an overview of the US university application ...
The aim of the presentations is to provide information about the content, goals and requirements of the programmes so as to ensure a smooth transition to the next academic year. All presentations are open to parents and students of all CGS levels as well as other schools. The following is a table with the scheduled presentations: Date Class 2023-2024 Class 2024-2025 Time 24.1.2024 Nursery school *Primary Year 1 18:00 31.1.2024 IB MYP Year 5 IB Di...
It is with great pride that CGS announces the official admission of our IB Diploma Programme student, Alexandra Papapetropoulou, to Temple University in Philadelphia! Last season Alexandra was ranked 1st in Greece and 91st in the world as a Cadet. She recently signed her National Letter of Intent (NLI) and will begin her undergraduate studies at Temple this fall with a full athletic and academic merit scholarship. We want to thank everyone who su...
Sui is launching the curriculum at the Costeas - Geitonas School (CGS) near Athens with plans for global expansion in the near future. The Sui Foundation, a state-of-the-art blockchain platform which has been achieving network milestones at a remarkable pace, joined with officials from Costeas - Geitonas School (CGS) to announce the launch of a groundbreaking Web3 curriculum for highschool students entitled, “Blockchain and Business Innovation....
Anna Philippopoulou admitted to Oxford University The CGS IB Diploma Programme is honored to announce that Anna Philippopoulou, Class of 2023, will study Physics at Oxford University this fall. With us at CGS since her primary years, Anna has worked with a singular passion and great discipline toward her goal and will make an excellent scientist. Curious and creative, her preparation in the IB Diploma Programme developed a breadth and depth of kn...
Double Congratulations to Nikolas Vasilakis, IBDP Class of 2023 Admitted to Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Representing Greece in the International Economics Olympiad Recent IB Diploma Programme graduate, Nikolas Vasilakis, has two important reasons to celebrate: admission to the Econometrics and Operations Research programme, one of the most demanding degrees at Erasmus University of Rotterdam, and representing Greece in the International E...
The end of the first year of the IB DP, CGS students get a lot of things: their final grades, a series of workshops to help them prepare for university applications and… a trip to universities abroad to explore their options for next year. This June marked the 14th annual University Preparation Workshops where students spend two days learning about entry requirements, admission processes, essay-writing, preparing a CV, interviews and how to fin...
Last weekend, 15 of our IB Diploma Programme and Lyceum students participated in the 12th annual Yale Model Government Europe Conference. Taking place in Athens for the first time, the YMGE is an event that focuses on issues of importance to Europe, bringing together experienced Yale students and high school student delegates from around the world to explore some of the EU’s most pressing topics. Participants are called upon to discuss, debate ...