Student Success - CGS

Student Success

CGS for Student Success is a new programme with which students identify and cultivate their interests, explore and discover their personal traits and express them in a variety of ways by applying them in a multitude of environments.

The programme is addressed to all students of Primary and Secondary education.

It includes five main pillars in its activities, aiming at the interaction of members of the wider school community, and their contact with the world around them.


Students advise
their classmates


become mentors:
identifying professional


Developing skills
for school and life.
Experiential workshops
for students.


Developing parenting
skills that contribute
to a child’s success  


Activities that “connect”
the Students
with the world
around them
in order for them
to develop skills

The CGS for Student Success programme is being piloted during the 2019-20 school year through selected actions aimed at:

  • strengthening the connection between the school and the labour market and the choice of professional career
  • utilizing the personality traits of students within the school community and in other environments
  • further development and cultivation of parents’ and students’ skills


Ms. Elena Kastani ( )) and Ms. Kathy Angelopoulou ( are in charge of the programmes.

STUDENTS TO STUDENTS: Mentoring through experience

Students advise their classmates

The aim of the programmes we implement at CGS is the active participation of students in all stages of their education in a variety of different ways: learning experientially, acquiring new skills and taking steps towards autonomy and independence. In the Students to Students programme, students at different levels of our school participate in a reflective process in collaboration with Ms. Elena Kastani and Ms. Kathy Angelopoulou, the coordinators of the programme.

Through group and individual meetings and their own personal “stories” connected to the theme each time, students demonstrate their personal and unique approach, get to know themselves and the way they think and act and they discover what works for them.

The aim is for them to develop their own best practices for various educational themes but also for issues affecting their everyday lives and to share them with their classmates in the form of a video.

They reach conclusions, write scripts, direct and present.

In this way they acquire additional skills by realizing what they have achieved but mainly by recognizing their own unique way of approaching knowledge and life.

With this practice, they give their classmates the opportunity to be inspired, to reflect, to identify similarities and differences with what is being presented and the way they approach the various issues and thus to discover what helps them.

Part of the process is the creative presentation by the other students of their own approaches and posting them either on the CGS for STUDENT SUCCESS portal or at the school.

It is open to IB PYP Year 3, IB PYP Year 6, IB MYP Year 5, IB DP (Year 2) students


PARENTS TO STUDENTS: Parents as Mentors Inspiring Professional Pathways

Parents become mentors: inspiring professional pathways

In the Parents as Mentors programme, the school’s parents / guardians, according to their profession, assume the role of mentors for students. They “collaborate” with the students, inform them about aspects of their professions, answer their questions, inspire and guide them, helping them to get a true picture of their professions through the perception of many different factors related to their chosen careers.

It is open to ΙΒ MYP Year 4 & 5 students


CGS TO STUDENTS: Developing Skills that Make a Difference though Weekend Workshops

Developing skills for school and life. Experiential workshops for students.

Students actively participate in experiential skills development workshops conducted outside the regular school timetable. In this way, they have the opportunity to further enhance the various skills they acquire through school programmes but also to acquire new soft skills and apply them both within the school community and outside it.

It is open to IB PYP Year 6, IB MYP Year 2 and IB MYP Year 5 students


CGS TO PARENTS: Developing skills that Contribute to your Child’s Success

Through this particular activity, parents are able to keep track of issues related to their role and their contribution to their students’ academic development and progress. In this context, a newsletter is sent on a monthly basis with practical advice to the parents of kindergarten and primary school students and workshops are held for the parents of students of all levels on topics that concern them.

It is open to Preschool, Kindergarten, Nursery / IB PYP, IB PYP Years 1- 6, IB MYP Years 1- 5, General Lyceum & IB Diploma Programme parents.


CGS Connects

Activities that “connect” students with the world around them in order that they evolve, develop skills and abilities and live valuable experiences.


Through this activity, students gain real professional experience. Internships, shadowing, volunteering opportunities and placements are some of the ways that students could be involved in various professional environments during the school holidays and summer. Students have the opportunity to be “trained” in real-life skills such as preparing a resume, interviews, cover letters, etc.


Within the framework of this programme, students have the opportunity to develop and cultivate skills, gain new experiences, develop their knowledge and talents in multiple environments at an international level.


At national and international levels, students participate in competitions related to many different fields such as science, mathematics, literature, technology, poetry, art and entrepreneurship.

It is open to IB PYP Year 6, IB MYP Years 1- 5, General Lyceum & IB Diploma Programme students

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