School Life - CGS

School Life

CGS is unique in Greece in that it offers education of a high level to students of all ages, even those of a very young age.

SMART (Sports – Music – Arts – Recreations of Tomorrow)

CGS offers a wide range of activities allowing students to discover not only their innate talents, which they can develop professionally later on, but also  pursue hobbies and finally develop  well-rounded personalities. CGS boasts state-of- the-art sports facilities, computer labs, a Stem lab, a Conservatory, a Visual Arts Room and students are encouraged to utilise these facilities both in and outside of school hours. Furthermore, it collaborates with top athletes and sporting associations such as the Nikos Boudouris Basketball Academy and the Juventus Soccer School.


Elite Athlete Programme

The Junior Elite Athlete Programme and the Elite Athlete Programme are the only tailor-made educational programmes offered in Greece for students who wish to combine high academic aspirations with top athletic performance.

CGS has implemented the afore-mentioned innovative programmes along with the provision of high quality educational services, which bridge the gap between the students’ academic and athletic goals.

The Junior Elite Athlete Programme is based on the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, whereas the Elite Athlete Programme is based either on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or on the Greek Senior High school (General Lyceum) , providing the students with the opportunity to train on a daily basis under the supervision of exceptional coaches in their chosen sports.

Through the close collaboration between the academic and athletic faculties of our school, these two personalised programmes have been adopted, giving students of outstanding academic and athletic abilities the opportunity to pursue their dreams.


Our library

The CGS library, which has been renovated recently, is centrally located. It is open throughout the school day and caters for the needs of both the students and faculty. It is a welcoming place where reading becomes a part of everyday life, either for school assignments or for amusement purposes and personal development. It functions as a reading room for studying and research as well as a lending library. The library organises a variety of activities which are aligned with the CGS Mission.

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