The Afternoon Zone – SMART offers a wide range of optional activities for students to discover their talents, acquire hobbies, develop their personalities around sports, music and art. These are flexible personal cultivation and development programmes, which operate in small groups, depending on the age, inclinations and interests of the children, under the supervision and guidance of experienced and specialized teachers and coaches.
All the activities of the Afternoon Zone – SMART focus on specialization, experiential learning, creative fun and group work. They are adapted to the educational and recreational needs of children, depending on the developmental stage in which they are as well as their timetables.
The Afternoon Zone – SMART is based on:
- Small classes (up to 12 children) and teaching that aims at the physical and personal development of each child individually.
- The existence of a scientifically defined educational framework and strict internal regulations for the protection of children according to age.
- The selection, training and certification of coaches / trainers.
- The systematic process of monitoring and evaluating the training and the progress of the children.
For the academic year 2020-2021, SMART will operate from Monday to Saturday in the Extra-Curricular Activities zone (14.40 – 16.40), depending on the class, the level of each level and the selected activity.
In the context of protecting the physical and mental health of our students and employees, the educational programmes of the Afternoon Zone -SMART especially for the academic year 2020 – 2021, will be carried out entirely remotely.
Classes will be conducted online through the Microsoft Teams application.
Registration forms: https://cgs.openapply.com/parents/sign_in
For more information, contact the Secretariat of the Afternoon Zone – Smart, email: smart@cgs.edu.gr. Tel. 210 6030411-18