Financial Aid and Scholarship Fund - CGS

Financial Aid and Scholarship Fund

CGS is offering academic scholarships for the academic year 2022-23.

The scholarships are awarded to students who will be attending A’ Gymnasium / MYP2, A’ Lyceum / MYP5  and the IB Diploma Programme for the academic year 2022-2023.

A maximum of 5 Full Scholarships for A’ Gymnasium / MYP2

A maximum of 2 Full Scholarships for A’ Lyceum / MYP5

1 Full and a maximum of 4 Partial Scholarships for the IB Diploma Programme

  • The granting of a Full Scholarship requires an average score of 80% or higher and success in the personal interview (the student profile is consistent with the International Baccalaureate definition for students attending its programmes).
  • The granting of a Partial Scholarship (30%-80%) requires an average score of 60% or higher (the top 10 candidates with the highest score of over 60%) and success in the personal interview (the student profile is consistent with the International Baccalaureate definition for students attending its programmes).


 Date of Scholarship Exams (Written component)  Sunday 8th May 2022
 Deadline for submission of application  Monday 2nd May 2022
 Arrival Time  8.30-9.00 a.m.
 Start Time  9.30 a.m.
 Duration of Written Exams  3 hours (1 hour per subject)


Candidates will be assessed in the following courses:

A’ Gymnasium / MYP2

A’ Lyceum / MYP5



1 hour

Modern Greek Language

1 hour


1 hour



IB Diploma Programme  Subjects   Duration

PART A: Reading Comprehension

PART B: Composition

1 hour

PART A: 8-10 multiple choice exercises

PART B: 4-5 analytical exercises (in Greek / English)

1 hour
Critical thinking test 5 multiple choice exercises ( in English)  30 minutes


Candidates are not tested on specific material, so previous knowledge in the various fields of study from previous years should prove to be sufficient.

At the bottom of the page, please find attached samples of the scholarship examinations for admission to A’ Gymnasium / MYP2, A’ Lyceum / MYP5 and the IB Diploma Programme.

Candidates with the highest marks in the written tests will then be invited to a personal interview.

To participate in the scholarship exams, applicants must complete the Academic Scholarship Application Form and submit it, along with the necessary documents, to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Fund by 1pm Monday 2 May 2022.


Scholarship Application Form for CGS Students

Scholarship Application Form for  non-CGS students

For more information, please contact us on:


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