IB Diploma Programme
IB DP Summer courses
Κτήριο IB DPIB DP Summer courses
Κτήριο IB DPIB DP 1 Συνάντηση γνωριμίας
HAEd Bulding, CGSΣυνάντηση γνωριμίας γονέων-μαθητών και διδασκόντων του ΙΒ DP και παρουσίαση του Diploma Programme για την ακαδημαϊκή χρονιά 2017-2018 .
Annual IB DP Meet & Retreat CAS Weekend
Milias Camps, ParnassosIB DP Year 1 students: Team-building, CAS Activities and outdoor fun!
Boston University Presentation
HAEd Presentation Hall CGSLiam McCartney, Senior Assistant Director of International Admissions will talk about the admission process, study programs, costs and scholarship opportunities at Boston University. Open to: IB DP Year 1 and Pre-IB DP students and their families Contact: Kathy Angelopoulou, Deputy Coordinator, IB DP (kangelopoulou@cgs.edu.gr)
PSAT – Preliminary SAT Test Day
IB DP, Αιθουσα Α2PSAT for students in IB DP Year 1, A' and B' Lykeiou interested in university study in the USA. Registration: Kathy Angelopoulou Deputy Coordinator, IB DP kangelopoulou@cgs.edu.gr
HAEd Presentation Hall CGSMonica Esser, Associate Director for International Admissions will talk about admission criteria, application procedures, study options, costs and scholarship opportunities at Fordham University. Open to: IB DP Year 1 and PRE-IB students and their families. Contact: Kathy Angelopoulou Deputy Coordinator, IBDP kangelopoulou@cgs.edu.gr
HAEd Presentation Hall CGSSenior Admissions Officers from four universities of The Russell Group will talk about the admissions process, courses, costs and application procedures at their institutions. Open to: IB DP Year 1 and PRE-IB students and their families. Contact: Kathy Angelopoulou Deputy Coordinator, IBDP kangelopoulou@cgs.edu.gr