CGS Educational Conference 2018

To Σάββατο, 21 Απριλίου   πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής  το CGS Educational Conference 2018 με θέμα “Rethink Education”.

Στην κατάμεστη αίθουσα «Δ. Μητρόπουλος» του Μεγάρου Μουσικής Αθηνών, οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την μοναδική ευκαιρία να παρακολουθήσουν τις τοποθετήσεις κορυφαίων καθηγητών του Harvard University και του Université de Montréal Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, σχετικά με τον επαναπροσδιορισμό της διαδικασίας μάθησης και τον κομβικό ρόλο του εκπαιδευτικού.

Κατά τον εναρκτήριο χαιρετισμό τους οι «οικοδεσπότες» κ.κ. Χρήστος και Ζωή Γείτονα, επεσήμαναν ότι «αυτό το συνέδριο αφορά τον τρόπο με τον οποίο εμείς μαθαίνουμε και κατ’ επέκταση τον τρόπο που διδάσκουμε. Αφορά το πώς μπορούμε να γίνουμε πιο επιτυχημένοι, πιο ευτυχισμένοι, πώς ν’ αλλάξουμε και πώς να βελτιώσουμε τις ζωές μας» και κατέληξαν ότι «είναι πιο εύκολο να μάθεις κάτι αν καταφέρεις να ξεχάσεις ό,τι ήξερες μέχρι σήμερα γι’ αυτό».

Χαιρετισμό στο συνέδριο απηύθυνε η κυρία Νίκη Κεραμέως, Βουλευτής Επικρατείας και Υπεύθυνη Τομέα Παιδείας, Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων της Ν. Δημοκρατίας. Αναφερόμενη στην σπουδαιότητα του συνεδρίου, η κυρία Κεραμέως σημείωσε «έχουμε καθήκον να προσφέρουμε στα παιδιά μας δεξιότητες για να μπορούν να προσαρμόζονται σε ένα συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο περιβάλλον».

Στην ομιλία της με τίτλο “Importance of Teachers in 21st Century”, η Katherine K. Merseth, Senior Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, αναφέρθηκε στον ρόλο των εκπαιδευτικών και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αυτός πρέπει να εξελιχθεί για να αντιμετωπίσει τις αυξανόμενες απαιτήσεις της κοινωνίας του 21ου αιώνα. Αναφέροντας παραδείγματα για τον τρόπο που λειτουργούν οι εκπαιδευτικοί σε διάφορες χώρες του κόσμου, τόνισε πως «οι εκαιδευτικοί χρειάζονται μέντορες για να τους καθοδηγήσουν».

Πολλά παιδιά θα εργάζονται σε θέσεις εργασίας που δεν υπάρχουν ακόμη, με τεχνολογίες που δεν έχουν εφευρεθεί ακόμα, ενώ πολλοί επιστήμονες πιστεύουν ότι στο εγγύς μέλλον, τα παιδιά θα μπορούν να συνδέουν τον εγκέφαλό τους απευθείας στο διαδίκτυο. Πώς μπορεί το σχολείο να προετοιμάσει τα παιδιά για να γίνουν μαθητές δια βίου; Στο ερώτημα αυτό απάντησε ο Eric Lauzon, καθηγητής στο Université de Montréal Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, The Art of Learning International, αναφέροντας ότι «οι εκπαιδευτικοί θα πρέπει να αφιερώνουν περισσότερο χρόνο για να διδάξουν στα παιδιά δεξιότητες.

«Στις περισσότερες οργανώσεις, σχεδόν όλοι κάνουν μια δεύτερη δουλειά -για την οποία κανείς δεν τους πληρώνει. Συγκεκριμένα, κοπιάζουν για να καλύψουν τις αδυναμίες τους, προσπαθώντας να δημιουργήσουν θετικές εντυπώσεις στο περιβάλλον τους. Δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει μεγαλύτερη συνεχής σπατάλη από τον πιο πολύτιμο πόρο μιας επιχείρησης – τον χρόνο και την προσοχή των ανθρώπων της», ανέφερε, μεταξύ άλλων στην ομιλία του ο Pr. Robert G. Kegan, The William and Miriam Meehan Research Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Development, Harvard Graduate School of Education.

«Τι κάνει τους ανθρώπους επιτυχείς; Η κοινή λογική απάντηση είναι “wit” (πόσο έξυπνοι είστε) και “grit” (πόσο σκληρά δουλεύετε). Αλλά η ιστορία δεν είναι τόσο απλή», ανέφερε ο τελευταίος ομιλητής του Συνεδρίου, Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.

Σύμφωνα με τον Dr. Gardner, πρέπει να διαχωρίσουμε την προσπάθεια που είναι στραμμένη προς θετικούς σκοπούς για τους άλλους και για την κοινωνία. Σε αυτή την παρουσίαση, ο Dr. Gardner περιέγραψε ένα πλαίσιο εκπαίδευσης που κάνει θετική χρήση της ευφυΐας  μας και της «καλής μας» επιμονής, παρέχοντας συγκεκριμένες προτάσεις για το πώς να προχωρήσουμε προς μια κοινωνία που να είναι «σοφή», αλλά ταυτόχρονα να φροντίζει και να ενδιαφέρεται για τα μέλη της.

Το μέρος των ομιλιών του συνεδρίου έκλεισε η κυρία Ελένη Βασιλείου, Head of School, η οποία εξέφρασε τις ευχαριστίες της στους ομιλητές, επισημαίνοντας ότι ο καθένας τους «μας ενθάρρυνε να επανεξετάσει το “Γιατί” πίσω από την εκπαίδευση, να ενισχύσουμε τις σκέψεις μας και να τις μετατρέψουμε σε πεποιθήσεις, να επανεξετάσουμε τις δυνατότητες, τη μάθηση και την ανάπτυξη που βρίσκονται μπροστά μας στο μέλλον. Ας πάρουμε περαιτέρω έμπνευση για το πώς να προωθήσουμε την αλλαγή».

Στο δεύτερο μέρος του Συνεδρίου πραγματοποιήθηκαν τρία workshops.

Συγκεκριμένα, τα workshops:

“Overcoming the Immunity to Change”  με τον Pr.Robert G. Kegan

“Developing Rigor through a Focus on the Instructional Core” με την Pr. Katherine K. Merseth


“How ATL skills can be practically implemented in the classroom” με τον Pr. Eric Lauzon.



CGS Educational Conference 2018

Ένα μοναδικό εκπαιδευτικό γεγονός,

Σάββατο, 21 Απριλίου 2018, Mέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών

Ο επαναπροσδιορισμός της διαδικασίας μάθησης καθώς και του ρόλου του εκπαιδευτικού αποτελεί μια μικρή επανάσταση, που συντελείται αυτή την εποχή σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη και ξεπερνά τα όρια του σχολικού περιβάλλοντος.

Οι σύγχρονες προσεγγίσεις της μάθησης σε συνδυασμό με τη δυναμική διείσδυση της Νευροεπιστήμης στο χώρο του εκπαιδευτικού σχεδιασμού (learning design) σηματοδοτούν την απαρχή μιας νέας εποχής στο πεδίο της προσωπικής και επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης κάθε εκπαιδευόμενου και εργαζόμενου.

Η ικανότητα προσαρμογής σε διαρκώς μεταλλασσόμενες και απαιτητικές συνθήκες ζωής και εργασίας, η σωστή διαχείριση της ευφυΐας, η κριτική σκέψη, η δημιουργικότητα, η ψυχική ανθεκτικότητα και η ενσυναίσθηση είναι απαραίτητες δεξιότητες στη ζωή κάθε ανεξάρτητα σκεπτόμενου και ενεργού πολίτη.

Το CGS Educational Conference 2018 έχει στόχο να δώσει μία νέα οπτική στην εκπαίδευση, να αναδείξει νέες τάσεις και να εμπνεύσει εκπαιδευτικούς, καθώς και επαγγελματίες άλλων κλάδων να σκεφτούν με τρόπο διαφορετικό την εξέλιξη του ατόμου – σε κάθε ηλικία τόσο εντός όσο και εκτός σχολικής τάξης (Rethink Education).

Κορυφαίοι καθηγητές του Harvard University και του Université de Montréal Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, έρχονται για να εμπνεύσουν, να διδάξουν και να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις με Έλληνες εκπαιδευτικούς, επιμορφωτές, ψυχολόγους, συμβούλους αναπτυξιακών δεξιοτήτων, διευθυντές ανθρώπινων πόρων, στελέχη οργανισμών και επιχειρήσεων καθώς και γονείς που θέλουν να ανακαλύψουν νέες μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις, σε σχέση με την εκπαίδευση παιδιών και ενηλίκων και βιωματικούς τρόπους προκειμένου να αναδείξουν και να αναπτύξουν τις δεξιότητες των άμεσων συνεργατών τους είτε σε εκπαιδευτικό είτε σε οποιοδήποτε άλλο επαγγελματικό περιβάλλον.

Στο πρωτοπόρο για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα- εκπαιδευτικό συνέδριο, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο 21 Απριλίου 2018, έχουν προσκληθεί να μεταλαμπαδεύσουν τις γνώσεις τους και να μεταφέρουν τις εμπειρίες και διδακτικές τους μεθόδους οι καθηγητές:

  • Howard Earl Gardner, The John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Senior Director, Harvard Project Zero
  • Robert Kegan, The William and Miriam Meehan Research Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Development, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • Eric Lauzon, Université de Montréal Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, The Art of Learning International
  • Katherine K. Merseth, Senior Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Διοργανωτής του CGS Educational Conference 2018 είναι το CGS, ένα σχολείο με περισσότερα από 40 χρόνια παρουσίας στον χώρο της εκπαίδευσης και πάνω από 20 χρόνια στην παγκόσμια οικογένεια του International Baccalaureate (IB).

Η φιλοσοφία και η αποστολή του σχολείου σε συνδυασμό με τις εκπαιδευτικές αρχές των IB προγραμμάτων, που εφαρμόζονται πιστοποιημένα σε όλες τις βαθμίδες εκπαίδευσης (IB Continuum), δίνει το συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα στους μαθητές του να συνδυάζουν τη φοίτησή τους σε Ελληνικό σχολείο με εξαιρετικά υψηλά διεθνή ακαδημαϊκά πρότυπα. Το CGS διακρίνεται για το όραμα και την προτεραιότητα που δίνει στην πρωτοπορία των εκπαιδευτικών δράσεων, μέσω της συνεργασίας με εκπαιδευτικούς φορείς και ιδρύματα της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού. Η ιδιαίτερη σημασία που δίνει στην έρευνα, καθώς και την επιμόρφωση των εκπαιδευτικών του, το καθιστά ένα σχολείο πρότυπο, όπως υπαγορεύουν οι ανάγκες της σύγχρονης εκπαίδευσης και οι προοπτικές του μέλλοντος.

Κατά τη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου, θα πραγματοποιηθούν εισηγήσεις εξειδικευμένων ομιλητών και κλειστά σεμινάρια. Οι ομιλίες και τα σεμινάρια θα πραγματοποιηθούν στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Για τις ομιλίες θα υπάρχει ταυτόχρονη μετάφραση στην Ελληνική γλώσσα.


Howard Earl Gardner, The John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Senior Director, Harvard Project Zero.

Among numerous honors, Gardner received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship in 1981. In 1990, he was the first American to receive the University of Louisville’s Grawemeyer Award in Education and in 2000 he received a Fellowship from the John S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.

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He has received honorary degrees from thirty colleges and universities, including institutions in Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, South Korea, and Spain. In 2004 he was named an Honorary Professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai. He has twice been selected by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines as one of 100 most influential public intellectuals in the world. In 2011, Gardner received the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, and in 2015, he was awarded the Brock International Prize in Education. He has been elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the National Academy of Education, and the London-based Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. He serves on a number of boards, including the American Philosophical Society, Amherst College, the Boston Landmarks Orchestra, and New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

The author of thirty books translated into thirty-two languages, and several hundred articles, Gardner is best known in educational circles for his theory of multiple intelligences, a critique of the notion that there exists but a single human intelligence that can be assessed by standard psychometric instruments. Building on his studies of intelligence, Gardner has also authored Leading Minds, Changing Minds, and Extraordinary Minds. He is senior director of Harvard’s Project Zero and co-founder of the Good Project (, a set of research endeavors about work, citizenship, collaboration, and digital life. More recently, with long time Project Zero colleagues Lynn Barendsen and Wendy Fischman, he has conducted reflection sessions designed to enhance the understanding and incidence of good work among young people. With Carrie James and others at Project Zero, he is also investigating ethical dimensions entailed in the use of the new digital media. Among new research undertakings are a study of effective collaboration among non-profit institutions in education; a study of conceptions of quality nationally and internationally in the contemporary era; and a major study of liberal arts and sciences in the 21st Century.

In the past decade Gardner has authored or co-authored several books. His newest co-authored book with Katie Davis, The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World, was published in October 2013. In 2014, Gardner’s Festschrift, entitled Mind, Work, and Life, was published in honor of his 70th birthday and is available for free electronically. The paperback edition of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed: Educating for the Virtues in the Age of Truthiness and Twitter, with a new preface, appeared in the fall of 2012. Other recent books include: Multiple Intelligences Around the World, Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet, The Disciplined Mind, The Development and Education of the Mind, Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons, and Five Minds for the Future. Gardner Under Fire, published in 2006, contains a set of critiques to which Gardner has responded as well as an autobiography.


Robert Kegan, is the William and Miriam Meehan Research Professor of Adult Learning and Professional Development at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education.

The recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards, his forty years of research and writing on adult development have contributed to the recognition that ongoing psychological development is at once possible and necessary to meet the demands of modern life.

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Judging from the books, dissertations, syllabi, and blogs that draw on his work, Kegan has had an influence on a wide range of intellectual disciplines and professions, including psychology, education, theology, literary criticism, leadership studies, executive coaching, psychotherapy, management, medicine, law, political science, and public service. At Harvard alone, his work is read in courses at the Schools of Education, Business, Government, and Medicine. His seminal books, The Evolving Self and In Over Our Heads, have been published in several languages throughout the world.

With long-time colleague, Lisa Lahey, he is also the author of Immunity to Change, which has now been published in ten languages, and, most recently, An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization (both published by Harvard Business Press) .  Kegan and Lahey are credited with a breakthrough discovery of a hidden dynamic which impedes personal and organizational transformation. This work (on what they call “the immunity to change”) has now found its way into the core practice of leaders and senior teams in educational, business, and governmental institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia.   They received from Boston University the Gislason Award for exceptional contributions to organizational leadership, joining past recipients Warren Bennis, Peter Senge, and Edgar Schein; and, in 2013, they received the highest award from the Harvard Institute of Coaching for lifetime contribution to the coaching profession. Kegan and Lahey have served as invited faculty at the annual Davos Conference sponsored by the World Economic Forum, and their work has been featured in such diverse periodicals as The Harvard Business Review, The New York Times Sunday Business Section, Oprah Magazine and The Shanghai Daily News, which named Immunity to Change the Number #1 Business Book of the Year in 2011.

One of twenty, among Harvard’s 2300 faculty, honored by the president of the university for his outstanding teaching, Kegan also serves as the educational chair of Harvard’s Institute for Management and Leadership in Education; and as co-director of a joint program undertaken by Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Graduate School of Education to bring principles of adult learning to the reform of medical education. He and Lisa Lahey were among the first Harvard faculty to teach a MOOC in EdX , a massively open online course, which enrolled 81,000 participants from more than 100 countries.

Bob took his A.B., summa cum laude, from Dartmouth College, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is also an avid poker player, an airplane pilot, and the unheralded inventor of the “Base Average,” a superior statistic for gauging offensive contribution in baseball.

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Eric Lauzon, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada, The Art of Learning

Eric served for four years as the global Chief Information Officer for the International Baccalaureate. Widely lauded as an industry visionary for his thought leadership, Eric’s views have been regularly sought after by global audiences. He has spoken at key international events in more than 20 countries

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Eric has partnered with Lance King, a world-renown learning skills development specialist from New Zealand. Lance is the designer of the Approaches to Learning (ATL) for the IB and also the creator of the Art of Learning courses delivered to over 170,000 students in 35 countries.

Eric has co-authored a book in 2008 entitled “Building a Green IT Team” from the “Inside the Minds” series of books. He has also penned for 4 years a bi-monthly column for Enterprise Innovation, a premier business and technology publication. Eric holds four patents in telephony and Internet technologies.


Katherine K. Merseth, Senior Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

DEGREE:  Ed.D., Harvard University, (1982)

Katherine Merseth’s work concentrates on charter schools, teacher education, mathematics education, and the case-method of instruction. At Harvard, she founded the Harvard Children’s Initiative, a university-wide program focusing on the needs of children as well as the School Leadership and the Teacher Education Programs at the School of Education.

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She most recently designed the new Harvard Teacher Fellows Program, a blended program, which offers Harvard College Seniors an innovative path to teach in underserved students.  In mathematics education, she was the principal investigator of the Mathematics Case Development Project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Massachusetts Math and Science Partnership.  She recently stepped down after many years leading teacher education at Harvard.

Her book, Windows on Teaching Mathematics: Cases of Secondary Mathematics Classrooms (Teachers College Press), represents work in mathematics education and the case method while her involvement as a case method teacher of school administrators exists in her Cases in Educational Administration (Longman). In the charter field, she led a research team examining best practices in high performing urban charter schools which culminated in the award winning book, Inside Urban Charter Schools (Harvard Education Press).

Internationally, she has edited four volumes of cases about classroom practice in South Africa, Chile and Brazil. She has extensive experience working with schools in an international context including Armenia, Korea, Singapore, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar and Central America.

Merseth teaches in the General Education Program of Harvard College. Her course, the Dilemmas of Excellence and Equity in K-12 American Schools, draws interest from more 300 students each semester and is ranked as one the most popular courses in the College. In 2017 she was named as one of 15 outstanding Professors across Harvard University.

In addition to her Harvard doctorate, she holds a bachelor’s in mathematics from Cornell University, a master’s in mathematics from Boston College, and a master of arts in teaching secondary mathematics from Harvard. She spends any free time on her tractor at her Maine farmhouse, hiking, or rowing on the Charles.


Εισηγήσεις και βιωματικά εργαστήρια

SESSION A – Keynote Speeches
«Beyond Wit and Grit», Howard Earl Gardner (video – conference)

What makes people successful? The common-sense answer is “wit” (how smart you are) and “grit” (how hard you work). But the story is not so simple, says Dr. Howard Gardner. First, research on human cognition makes it clear that we have not one but many intelligences and ways of being “smart,” and so our concept of wit needs to be pluralized – “wits.” Second, while successful people do work hard in order to persevere, hard work can also be put to evil purposes; for example, Hitler’s army had plenty of grit. Therefore, we need to qualify grit as “good grit” that is marshaled toward positive ends for others and for society. In this presentation, Gardner describes an education framework that makes positive use of our wits and our good grit, and provides concrete suggestions about how to move toward a society that is both wise and caring.

«The Deliberately Developmental Organization» , Robert Kegan, 

In most organizations nearly everyone is doing a second job no one is paying them for—namely, covering their weaknesses, trying to look their best, and managing other people’s impressions of them. There may be no greater continuous waste of a company’s most precious resource—the time and attention of its people. The ultimate cost?: Neither the organization nor its people are able to realize their full potential.

What if an organization did everything in its power to create a culture in which everyone—not just select “high potentials”—could overcome their own internal barriers to change, using errors and vulnerabilities as prime opportunities for personal and company growth?

Harvard psychologist Robert Kegan is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on adult development. He and his colleagues searched for such companies, studied them for years, and, more recently, began helping organizations within and beyond the US to start their own journeys toward remaking their cultures into 21st century incubators for unleashing human and organizational potential.

«Approaches To Learning», Eric Lauzon 

Transforming classrooms and schools for 21st-century learners and preparing our children to live in a world of Accelerating Change.


We are going through a unique period of time with the rate of change increasing exponentially. The technological change will become so rapid and profound that the computer scientist and inventor Ray Kurzweil predicts that it will represent a rupture in the fabric of human history. This brings an emerging trend of a revolution in education to follow this rate of change and the Industry 4.0.

Many children will be working in jobs that don’t even exist today with technologies that haven’t been invented yet. Many scientists believe that in the near future, children will be able to connect their brain directly to the internet. What will be the impact on education of such changes? How can school prepare the children to become lifelong learners?

«The Changing Role of Teachers in the 21st Century», Katherine K. Merseth

For the keynote Professor Merseth will discuss the role of teachers and how the role needs to evolve to address the increasing demands of the 21st century society. She will explore the power of teachers and how, despite many institutional and organizational barriers, they fail to take advantage of this power to transform lives. She will also address changes in society that demand a change in the role of teachers, and how to assign teachers to students, content and time.

SESSION B – Workshops
 «Overcoming the Immunity to Change» –Robert Kegan

In this workshop, Kegan will give us a full tour of these pioneering organizations, their unusual practices, and shared principles. We will have the chance to hear from those who work in a DDO, sample an assessment instrument that helps us see how growth-oriented our own work setting may be, and even to try on a few “growth culture” practices for ourselves! Come expecting to be both challenged and inspired!

«How ATL skills can be practically implemented in the classroom» ( Eric Lauzon)

Topic 1. Introduction

– What are 21st Century skills?

– What is the evidence of the need for these skills in the present student population?

– What is the overall aim, rational and structure of a 21st C skills programme?

Topic 2. Self-Regulation

– What are the skills of the autonomous, self-managed learners?

– How can teachers help students to take responsibility for their own learning and develop into self-regulated learners?

– How do you teach a skill?

– What are the levels of proficiency of skill acquisition?

– How do you assess a skill?

Topic 3. Designing and Teaching Core Generic 21st C Skills – Affective Skills

– What are the Core Generic Affective skills?

– How do you teach them?

– What are strategies for teaching Affective Core Generic 21st C skills?

Topic 4. Teaching Resilience, Courage and Failing Well

– What is the significance of failure and a student’s reaction to it?

– How can students (and teachers) learn how to fail well?

– How can students learn to be more resilient?

– How can a school develop a resilience focused culture?

Developing Rigor in Mathematics through a Focus on the Instructional Core”, Katherine K. Merseth

The workshop will explore activities and exercises for teachers to use to expand the level of rigor in mathematics classrooms. What does it mean to have a rigorous classroom or for teachers to design rigorous tasks for students to complete? The workshop will be interactive and will engage participants in developing an understanding of rigor and how (and when) to achieve more rigorous activities in teaching. The workshop will be most appropriate for mathematics teachers of elementary and middle school children.

Οι ομιλίες και τα σεμινάρια θα πραγματοποιηθούν στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Για τις ομιλίες θα υπάρχει ταυτόχρονη μετάφραση στην Ελληνική γλώσσα.


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