CGS Academia

CGS Academia is an innovative programme which caters for highly-motivated students at the school. Its aim is to stimulate critical thinking and creativity as well as to enhance the students’ skills in problem-solving, analysis and synthesis. CGS Academia offers the students stimuli in a wide range of academic fields outside the school syllabus and curriculum.

The programme was first introduced during the academic year 2015-2016 and received the Best Learning Experience award at the Education Business Awards in 2016.

In its first year of operation (2015-2016), Academia comprised two age groups:

Junior Academia caters for MYP 2 and 3 students, while the Senior Academia caters for MYP 4 and High School students.

The Junior Academia programme covers multiple thematic fields of study from the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The lectures are an introduction to scientific topics not covered by the school curriculum, which are then explored in-depth during the next years of study in the Academia programme.

In the Senior Academia programme students are placed, depending on their performance and their talents and preferences, either in Academia “STEM” or Academia “Humanities and Social Sciences”. Lectures at this level analyse the subject under study in-depth and include visits by distinguished speakers from the university community, research institutions, etc.

In the academic year 2017-2018, the CGS Academia programme will continue for students in MYP years 2 to 5.

Further information can be found by clicking on the link:

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