The IB Diploma Programme is a 2-year internationally-recognised, pre-university programme taught in English. At the end of the academic year of grade 10 (A’ Lykeiou), a student can enrol in the IB Diploma programme which corresponds to grades 11 and 12 (B’ and C’ Lykeiou).
The IB DP programme is based on a comprehensive and balanced curriculum that has the flexibility to meet the needs of a wide range of learners with various interests. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social and emotional well-being of students, with particular emphasis on encouraging students to develop critical thinking, to inquire, to respect and to evaluate different perspectives and to manage their time effectively. Not only does it prepare students for studies at the world’s leading universities without the need for them to sit further examinations, but also for life after university.
Studies have shown that the proportion of IB DP students who are admitted to the most competitive universities in the world is significantly higher than those from other education systems. In addition, it has been shown that IB DP alumni are much better equipped for their university studies.
Since July 1995, the IB DP programme has been recognised by the Greek state as being “equal and equivalent to the school-leaving certificate issued by the Greek Lykeiou” (Gov. Gazette 31/07/1995, File no. 156, Article 10, paragraph 23).
Students from both state and private schools in Greece and abroad can apply for admission to the CGS IB DP programme.
The curriculum is made up of six subject groups:
- Studies in Language and Literature,
- Language Acquisition,
- Individuals and Societies,
- Sciences,
- Mathematics
- Arts
Students take 6 subjects – one from each subject group (3 subjects at higher level and 3 at standard level). Students may opt to study an additional Sciences, Individuals and Societies, or Languages course, instead of a course in the arts.
The ΙΒ Diploma curriculum is displayed in the shape of a hexagon with six academic areas surrounding a core. The Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge (TOC), and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) are to be found at the core.
At the end of the two-year programme, students are assessed on the basis of their final examinations as well as external and internal assessments.
COURSES OFFERED: Modern Greek Literature, Modern Greek Language & Literature, English A, English B, French B, German B, Spanish ab Initio , Economics, History, Psychology, Business & Management, Global Politics , Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL & SL, Mathematics Applications and Interpretation, Visual Arts, Theatre, Music.
TUTORIAL IN MATHEMATICS: The Tutorial in Mathematics , which operates systematically during the morning programme, adequately covers the requirements of the IB DP programme without the need for private tuition.
CAS: The CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) programme encourages students to take initiatives. Additionally, students record their progress electronically through a planning, assessment and reporting platform, which is overseen by the school. (ΜanageBac).
TUTORS: Each student is assigned his or her own personal tutor, who follows the student’s academic and personal progress. The tutor is in direct and regular contact with the student and his / her family.
SUMMER PROGRAMMES: Every summer, the IB DP programme offers IB Summer Courses to students who will be entering the IB the following year.
UNIVERSITY PREPARATION WORKSHOPS: At the end of the first year of the IB, a two-day workshop is organized to introduce students to the process for applying to universities abroad.
UNIVERSITY VISITS: Admission directors from prestigious universities, such as LSE, UCL, Imperial College, King’s College, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Johns Hopkins and Bocconi, visit our school in order to inform students about their courses and admission requirements.
VISITS TO UNIVERSITIES IN THE UK / NETHERLANDS: Each year, IB1 Diploma students visit UK/ Netherlands universities in order to become better acquainted with the institutions, courses and student life.
PREPARATION FOR SPECIAL TESTS / INTERVIEWS: The IB DP programme offers tailor-made preparatory classes for exams required for studies in specific universities and countries, such as the SAT, TOEFL, BMAT, UKCAT, HPAT and TestDaF. It also offers mock interviews to students who have been invited to attend interviews at universities abroad.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN & SPACE: For students interested in studying Architecture or Art & Design, special courses are offered in the preparation of the Architectural Design and Space portfolio, which is a prerequisite for university admissions.
Experienced and highly trained IB Diploma faculty members oversee the application process of each student to all European, American and Canadian universities. Students are guided and advised on universities, courses and preparation from the beginning of his or her studies in the IB DP programme until admission to a university.
Success rate bordering on 100%,
90% accepted to universities of their first choice,
Students currently studying in 11 different countries.
Alumni who have completed the CGS IB Diploma Programme are either currently studying or have graduated from some of the world’s leading universities, such as:
- Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Brown and NYU in the USA
- Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, Imperial College, LSE, King’s College, Warwick, St. Andrew’s, Edinburgh and Glasgow in Great Britain
- The University of Toronto, McGill and the University of British Columbia in Canada
- Erasmus University and the University of Maastricht in Holland, Technical University of Eindhoven, University of Amsterdam, Technical University of Delft in Holland
- Technische Universitat Technische Uninersität München, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany
- KU Leuven in Belgium
- Bocconi University in Italy.