A Day in the Pre-School

  • Learning through play: individual and group activities in the classroom
  • Developing listening, thinking and self-expression: reading and creating stories in a circle
  • Breakfast
  • Language acquisition activities and games
  • Introduction to mathematical concepts
  • Free and structured play in the playground
  • Developing imagination and creativity: music, movement, theatre, art, cooking activities
  • Developing motor skills and physical activity: group games, baby swim, baby yoga
  • Lunch – Rest period
  • Quiet play, reading, songs, stories
  • Departure


Βaby Yoga

Yoga contributes to physical development and greater concentration as well as flexibility, balance, strength and a sense of well-being.


Baby Swim

Our Baby Swim programme is a positive experience for children; they enjoy the water and learn to swim with trained instructors in an Active Oxygen pool (4.5×6.5×0.90 meters), with a controlled temperature of 32-34 degrees Celsius. Children are introduced to swimming in a gentle way using activities and exercises allowing them to explore the water at their own pace, helping to develop greater confidence and learn the basics of swimming.




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